A common saying in the academy is “wait until after tenure to say what you really want to say.” Although I understand the basis of why this phrase is popularly stated to untenured faculty, I disagree with it. Our research is our heart and to deny our hearts is to deny our very reason for coming into the academy in the first place. When I first started publishing I was told to take out all the emotional words out of my manuscript and to use the word “affect” instead of “emotion,” as if a more masculinize term would better legitimize the presumed “femininity” behind the word “emotion.” In advising me towards tenure a senior white male faculty member instructed me to stop “making up” words like “whiteness” or “white supremacy.” To simply do what I was hired to do—to analyze whiteness and promote racial justice in teacher education—was wrought with so much hurdles—not on my behalf. Rather, folks were so emotionally discomforted in learning about race and racism that they continued to emotionally project their racial angst onto me instead of taking a moment to understand why they are feeling so emotionally instable in the first place. Instead of kowtowing to these unhealthy emotional displays I remain true to my research, teaching and service. I wrote my heart. I wrote my Truth. In doing so, I said what I really needed to say despite those refusing to hear because in the end our boldness in writing expands our intellectual imaginations. Is that not the purpose of research? Therefore, writing is my freedom and when it speaks to your heart and Truth it can be for you too.
Matias, C. E.(2019). Ripping Our Hearts: Three Counterstories on Terror, Threat, and Betrayal in U.S. Universities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Chow, CJ, Case, GA, &Matias, C. E. “Tools for discussing identity and privilege among medical students, trainees, and faculty” MedEdPORTAL.15(10864).
Liou, D. &Matias, C. E.,(2019). "Affirming Immigrant Families' Educational Expectations: Race-Conscious Transformative Leadership Breaking the Educational Racial Contract.” SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education.Volume 4.
Matias, C. E. &Aldern, J. (2019). The (Un)Common White Sense: The Whiteness Behind Digital Media. Journal of Postdigital Science and Education.
Matias, C. E., Walker, D. & del Hierro, M. (2019). Tales from the Ivory Tower: Women of Color’s Resistance to Whiteness in Academia. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 18(1), 34-58.
Matias, C. E. (2018). Tell the Devil I’m Back: A Self-Reflection on the Radical Possibilities for Racial Justice. Taboo. 17(1). 4-14.
Le, P. T. & Matias, C. E. (2018). Towards a truer multicultural science education: how whiteness impacts science education. Journal of Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Matias, C. E., Nishi, N. & Sarcedo, G. (2018). “Whiteness and Teacher Education” invited Oxford Encyclopedia entry.
Walker, D., Matias, C. E. & Brandehoff, R (2018). “Smartmouth: The Misconceptions of Black and Brown Girls Who Have Experienced Trauma” Bank Street Occasional Paper Series. No. 38.
Grossland, T. & Matias, C. E. (2018). “Fervent Fortitudes: Exploring Emotions And Racial Literacy As Antiracist Pedagogy.” Journal of Curriculum Theory, 32(2). 72-83.
Cabrera, N., Matias, C. E., & Montoya, R. (2017). Activism or slacktivism?: The Potential and pitfalls of social media in contemporary student activism. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1037/dhe0000061
Matias, C. E. & Newlove, P. (2017). The Illusion of Freedom: Theoretical Examinations in the Epistemology, Rhetoric, and Emotionality of Whiteness. Equity, Excellence, and Education. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2017.1336951
Matias, C. E. & Newlove, P. (2017). “Better the devil you see than the one you don’t”: Bearing Witness to Emboldened En/Whitening Epistemology in the Era of Trump. Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2017.1312590
Matias, C. E. (2017). “When Whiteness Attacks: How This Pinay Defends Racially Just Teacher Education: Journal of Curriculum and Social Justice.
Matias, C. E., Henry, A. & Darland, C. (2017). The Twin Tale of Whiteness: Exploring the Emotional Roller Coaster of Teaching and Learning about Whiteness.Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education. 16(1),7-29.
Matias, C. E. (2016). “Mommy, is being brown bad?”: Critical Race Parenting in a “Post-Race” Era. Journal of Race and Pedagogy. 1(3). Article 1.
Montoya, R., Matias, C. E., Nishi, N., Sarcedo, G. (2016). Words are Wind: Using DuBois and Bourdieu to ‘Unveil’ the Capricious Nature of Gifted and Talented Programs. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. 14(1). 127-143.
Nishi, N. W., Matias, C. E., Montoya, R., & Sarcedo, G. L. (2016). Whiteness FAQ: Responses and Tools for Confronting College Classroom Questions. Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 5(1), Article 4.
Matias, C. E., & Mackey, J. (2016). Breakin’ Down Whiteness in Antiracist Teaching: Introducing Critical Whiteness Pedagogy. The Urban Review, 48(1), 1-19.
DePouw, C. & Matias, C. E. (2016). Critical Race Parenting: Understanding Scholarship/Activism in Parenting Our Children. Journal of Educational Studies. 52(03), 237- 259. DOI: 10.1080/00131946.2016.1169182.
Matias, C. E., Montoya, R., & Nishi, N. W. (2016). Blocking CRT: How the Emotionality of Whiteness Blocks CRT in Urban Teacher Education. Educational Studies, 52(1), 1-19. DOI:10.1080/00131946.2015.1120205
Matias, C. E. & Grosland, T. (2016). “Digitalstorytelling as Racial Justice: Digital Hopes for Deconstructing Whiteness in Teacher Education” Journal of Teacher Education, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/0022487115624493
Nishi, N. Matias, C. E., & Montoya, R. (2015). “Exposing the White Avatar: Projections, Justifications, and the Ever-Evolving American Racism.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 21(5), 459-473.
Montoya, R., Matias, C. E., & Nishi, N. (2015). “American Chimera: The Ever- Present Domination Of Whiteness, Patriarchy, And Capitalism…A Parable.” Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2015.1068683
Matias, C. E. (2015) “Why do you make me hate myself?” Love, Abuse, and Whiteness in Urban Teacher Education. Teaching Education. 27(2), 194-211. DOI:10.1080/10476210.2015.1068749
Sarcedo, G., Matias, C. E., Montoya, R. & Nishi, N. (2015). Dirty Dancing with Race and Class: Microaggressions toward First-Generation and Low Income College Students of Color. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs. 2(1), 1-17.
Matias, C. E. (2015). White Skin, Black Friend: A Fanonian application to theorize racial fetish in teacher education. Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48(3), 221-236. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2014.989952
Matias, C. E. & Zembylas, M. (2014) “When saying you care is not really caring”: Whiteness and the Role of Disgust. Journal of Critical Studies in Education. 55(3). 319-337.
Matias, C. E. & Allen, R. L. (2014). “Do You Feel Me?” Amplifying Messages of Love in Critical Race Theory. Journal of Educational Foundations.
Viesca, K. M., Matias, C. E., Garrison-Wade, D., Galindo, R., & Tandon, M.(2014). “Push it real good!”: The challenge of challenging dominant discourses regarding race in teacher education. Critical Studies in Education. 5(11), 1-24.
Matias, C. E. (2014). And our feelings, just don’t feel it anymore”: Re-Feeling Whiteness, Resistance, and Emotionality. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege. 4(2). 134-153.
Matias, C. E., Mitchell, K., Wade-Garrison, D., Tandon, M & Galindo, R. (2014).“What is Critical Whiteness doing in OUR Nice Field like Critical Race Theory?” Equity & Excellence. 47(3), 289-304.
Matias, C. E. & Liou, D. (2014). “Tending to the Heart of Communities of Color Towards Critical Race Teacher Activism” Urban Education, 50(5), 601-625.
Matias, C. E. & Allen, R. L. (2014) “Loving Whiteness to Death: Sadomasochism, Emotionality, and the Possibility of Humanizing Love” Berkeley Review of Education. 4(2), 285-309.
Matias, C. E. (2013). Check Yo’Self Before You Wreck Yo’Self and Our Kids: Culturally Responsive White Teachers? Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning. 3(2). 67-80.
Matias, C. E. & DiAngelo, R. (2013). “Beyond the Face of Race: Emo-Cognitive Explorations of White Neurosis and Racial Cray-Cray” Educational Foundations. 27(3-4). 3-20.
Matias, C. E. (2013). “Tears Worth Telling: Urban Teaching and the Possibilities of Racial Justice” Multicultural Perspectives 15(4). 187-193.
Matias, C. E. (2013). “On the Flip Side: Unveiling the Dangerous Minds of White Teacher Candidates” Teacher Education Quarterly. 40(2). 53-74.
Matias, C. E. (2012). Who you callin’ White? A Critical Counterstory of Colouring White Identity” Race, Ethnicity, and Education. 16(3), 291-315.
Matias, C. E. (2012). Beginning with Me: Accounting for a Researcher of Color’s Counterstories in Socially Just Qualitative Design” Journal of Critical Thought & Praxis. 1(1), 119-143.
Matias, C. E. Gorski, P., & Jackson, T. (Forthcoming). The Other Elephant:White Liberalism and the Persistence of Racism in Schools. NY: Teachers College Press.
Matias, C. E. (2021). The Handbook of Critical Theoretical Research Methods in Education. Edited book. NY, NY: Routledge
Matias, C. E. (2020). Surviving Becky(s): Pedagogies for Deconstructing Race and Gender. Lanham,MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield.
Matias, C. E. (2016). Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality, and Education. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Book Chapters
Matias, C. E.(2020) Whiteness and Emotionality. In Z. Casey (Ed). Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education. Boston, MA: Brill Publishers
Matias, C. E.& Bougher, C.(2019) Deconstructing Whiteness in Racially Just Teachers. In M. A. Peters (Ed). Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer Publishers.
Matias, C. E.& Aldern, J. J. (2019).“I See Whiteness” In K. Han & J. Laughter (Eds). Critical Race Theory in Teacher Education: Informing Classroom Culture and Practice, New York, NY: Teachers College Press, p. 36.
Matias, C. E. (2019). Beyond White: The Emotional Complexion of Critical Research on Race. In K. Struck & L. Locke (Eds), Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education (pp. 263-274). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Sarcedo, G. & Matias, C. E. (2018).“Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do....But What If They Do Know?!: The Impact of Whiteness on Girls of Color” in M. Sankofa Waters, V. Evans-Winters, & B. Love (Eds), Celebrating Twenty Years of Black Girlhood: The Lauryn Hill Reader. NY: Peter Lang Publishers.
Matias, C. E. (2018). “Before Cultural Competence: Exploring the Latent and Overt Emotionalities of Whiteness” S. Poulsen, PhD & R. Allan (Eds.) Cross-Cultural Responsiveness & Systemic Therapy: Personal & Clinical Narratives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Publishers. pp. 21-40.
Sarcedo, G. L. & Matias, C. E. (2016). Academic advising and the maintenance of whiteness in higher education. In P. R. Carr, V. Lea, & D. E. Lund (Eds.), Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness: Views from the Past and Present New York, NY: Peter Lang. pp. 293-300.
Matias, C. E. & Silverstein, L. (2017). “When Teaching Whiteness Threatens: Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Whiteness” B. Ahad-Legardy & O. Poon (Eds.), Difficult Subjects: Radical Teaching in the Neoliberal University. VA: Stylus Publishing. pp. 35-53.
Matias, C. E. (2016). “Shadowboxing Whiteness inside Teacher Education: Critical Race Activism to the Race-Gender Degree.” In D. Taliaferro Baszile, N. Guillory, & K. Edwards (Eds.) Race, Gender, and Curriculum Theorizing: Working in Womanish Ways. New York, NY: Lexington Books. pp. 71-86.
Matias, C. E. (2016). White Tundra: Exploring the Emotionally Frozen Terrain of Whiteness. In N. Hartlep & C. Hayes (Eds.), Unhooking from Whiteness: Resisting the Esprit de Corps). The Netherlands, Sense Publishers. pp 89-100.
Matias, C. E. & Nishi, N. (2016). "Becky please!”: White Teachers and Their Issues with Whiteness. In C. Warren and S. Hancock (Eds.), White Women’s Work Charlotte, NC: Information Age. pp. 107-122.
Matias, C. E. & Montoya, R. (2015). “When Michael’s Death Means Our Own Children’s Death: Critical Race Parenting During a Time of Racial Extermination” in K. Fasching-Varner & N. Hartlep (Eds.) The Assault on Communities of Color: Exploring the Realities of Race-Based Violence. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 79-84.
Matias, C. E. (2015). “I Ain’t Your Doc Student”: The Overwhelming Presence of Whiteness and Pain at the Academic Neo-Plantation. In K. Varner, Albert, R. Mitchell, & C. Allen (Eds.), Racial Battle Fatigue in the Academy. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 59-68
Matias, C. E. (2015). “To Lumpia or to Not”. In J. Landsman, R. Salcedo, & P. Gorski (Ed.), Voices for Diversity and Social Justice: Literary Education Anthology. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 83-86.
Leonardo, Z. and Matias, C. E. (2013). “Between Colonial and Postcolonial Mentality: The Critical Education of Filipino Americans”. In R. Bonus & D. Maramba (Eds.), The Other Students: Filipino Americans, Education and Power. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. pp. 3-18.
Book Reviews
Montoya, R., Matias, C. E., & McBride, M. (2017). Between the World and Me.Journal of Multicultural Perspectives. 19(1). DOI: 10.1080/15210960.2017.1267517
Matias, C. E., Nishi, N., Montoya, R. (2014). Whiteness in Academia: Counter- stories of betrayal and resistance. Journal of Race Ethnicity and Education. 17(4). 591- 600.
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